Bring a vial of Suntouched Heartblood to Rejek at Frenzyheart Hill.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Sholazar Basin.
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One day, Rejek will be mighty warrior. Blood and skyfire will make Rejek strong. You see soon.
Rejek give you vial, you take to very top of Suntouched Pillar, far to west. Put waters there in vial.
Then go to north edge of basin, to ledge north of Bonefields. You find and kill goretalon matriarch. Take heartblood.
You combine heartblood and water, bring to Rejek. Rejek drink, make strong.
Also, you get:
You bring Rejek gift?
Rejek thanks you. Rejek drink, grow strong, always remember mighty <name>'s gift.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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