Death's Challenge - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Death's Challenge


Olrun the Battlecaller has ordered you to win 5 duels against other death knights.

You may choose to battle death knight initiates or players.
Death Knights defeated in a duel (5)


Born of the Lich King's victory over Illidan Stormrage in the heart of the frozen wastes, Death's Challenge is a rite of passage that all death knights must undergo.

Seek out other death knights of Acherus and challenge them to a duel. They must accept and fight until a victor emerges!

Go now, <name>! Victory for the Scourge! Glory to the Lich King!


You will receive:
Insignia of the Scourge
Also, you get: 2 50
Bonus talents: 1


Have you completed Death's Challenge?


To the victor goes the glory, death knight! Well done! The Lich King looks favorably upon you on this day.

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