Bishop Lazaril wants you to bring the Light-infused Artifact to King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Ironforge.
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Our prayers have been answered! Using the concentration of Light from the Naaru of Shattrath, and the shared benedictions from the faithful, we have created holy artifacts of profound power. These artifacts will be our weapon against the Lich King's machinations.
Take this, <name>. Guard it close, and secure its passage to Ironforge. Magni Bronzebeard is eager to take the fight to Northrend, and this will bring him closer to his goal.
Also, you get:
3 70
Hello, <name>. A stouter <race> I never did see! The trials of Outland have made you tough, brother. You do your race proud!
By my beard! This holds a power to rival a fleet of our flying machines! I'll give it to my war priests and we'll devise a plan to send those vile necropolises scurrying back to Northrend... and we'll be right behind them!
Oh, Muradin my brother, you must live! By the honor of the Bronzebeards, I will find you!
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