Darnassus - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database


  • Requires level: 65
  • Side: Alliance
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 65  70  75
Bishop Lazaril wants you to bring the Light-infused Artifact to Tyrande Whisperwind in Darnassus.
Light-infused Artifact
Provided Item:
Light-infused Artifact


The entirety of this quest happens in Darnassus.
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Our prayers have been answered! Using the concentration of Light from the Naaru of Shattrath, and the shared benedictions from the faithful, we have created holy artifacts of profound power. These artifacts will be our weapon against the Lich King's machinations.

Take this, <name>. Guard it close, and secure its passage to Darnassus. Deliver it to Tyrande Whisperwind -- her priests will find it a vital source of power in their fight against the unholy forces from the North.


Also, you get: 3 70


<name>, my son. Once again we are pulled into a conflict that may sunder all we know. It is good to have a <class> of your talents lend his strength to this world tree's defense.


What is this? What a boon! They have captured such Light into this artifact, it shines nigh bright as the moon! Our priests will channel this power against our foes, and the Lich King's invasion will surely fail. Thank you, <name>. Our world tree will be safe.

What's more, we have sensed that perhaps another world tree grows far to the north, nestled hidden near the Lich King's own domain. Perhaps someday... we will shepherd both trees and herald a new era of peace.

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