The Exodar - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Exodar


  • Requires level: 65
  • Side: Alliance
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 65  70  75
2.The Exodar
Bishop Lazaril wants you to deliver the Light-infused Artifact to Velen in the Exodar.
Light-infused Artifact
Provided Item:
Light-infused Artifact


The entirety of this quest happens in The Exodar.
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Our prayers have been answered! Using the concentration of Light from the Naaru of Shattrath, and the shared benedictions from the faithful, we have created holy artifacts of profound power. These artifacts will be our weapon against the Lich King's machinations.

Take this, <name>. Guard it close, and secure its passage to the Exodar. Deliver it to Prophet Velen in the Vault of Lights so that he may use its powers against the unholy forces from the North.


Also, you get: 3 70


My son, the lands of the humans and orcs have treated you well. Such strength now swells within you...


Ah, I can see the power of the Naaru shine through this thing, as if Light itself is housed here. Such good can be done with this implement; the necropolises sent from the frozen wastes of the north will surely fail.

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