The Undercity - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Undercity


2.The Undercity
Grand Apothecary Putress wants you to give the Dual-plagued Brain to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.
Dual-plagued Brain
Provided Item:
Dual-plagued Brain


The entirety of this quest happens in Undercity.
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The zombie plague was a blessing in disguise. In our search for a cure, we have learned so much of the Scourge and their contagion. Our research has given us weapons against them. Weapons, and tools...

Take this -- it is a zombie's head and has been partially cured of its plague by injecting it with a compound derived from our recent discoveries. Deliver the head to Master Apothecary Faranell; I have a list of experiments I would like him to perform on it.


Also, you get: 3 70


Salutations, <name>. You come from Shattrath? You have instructions from Grand Apothecary Putress?


Ah, what a fine specimen you are. The disease, -- diseases -- dancing through your brain must offer you visions so sublime. We will spend long nights in conversation, you and I, and I will pick from you your thoughts as I slowly extract the meat from your skull.

Do not fear, little one. The knowledge gained from your sacrifice will be awesome. You are a gift to the forsaken; you will herald a new age of respect for us among the peoples of this world. Your place in our history is assured...

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