Lord-Commander Arete at Death's Rise wants you to fill the Gore Bladder with the blood of 10 Ravenous Jaws.
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The forces at Onslaught Harbor are heavily reinforced by gryphon riders. You need a mount that will enable you to put them down. But first, we need the components for the ritual that is going to make it all happen.
A great deal of blood is necessary for the ritual to be undertaken.
<The lord-commander points down and to the northwest.>
There is a readily available supply down there in the harbor... sharks. Do not return to me until you've filled this bladder with their blood.
Also, you get:
7 40
It's not glamorous work, but it is necessary.
Now why is it that we are talking again before you are done, <class>?
Well done. Take a moment to let the saltwater dry from your skin before we continue.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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