Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Shipment: Shifting Sun Curio


Closes Quests
Combine a Scourge Curio, a Sun Crystal and a Shadow Crystal to make a Shifting Sun Curio and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.

You can find a Scourge Curio on any Northrend Scourge.
Shifting Sun Curio


The entirety of this quest happens in Crystalsong Forest.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
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A wealthy shipping concern has requested a collection of Shifting Sun Curios to sell at Undermine. If you can bring me one, I can reward you with a Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token.


You will receive:
Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token
Also, you get: 74


Do you have a Shifting Sun Curio for my Undermine shipment?


Here is your Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token as promised. Come back tomorrow and I am sure I will have another item I need from you!

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