King Jokkum wants you to bring Hodir's Horn Fragments to Njormeld in Dun Niffelem.
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The entirety of this quest happens in Zul'Drak.
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Bring these fragments to Njormeld. He will use the pieces of that sacred relic in the construction of a mighty monument.
May it soothe the pains and heal the scars my people have borne these many years.
May its presence help to bring about a new age that sees us once again in glorious battle at Thorim's side.
Go now, <class>. Njormeld awaits you.
Also, you get:
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You have brought the fragments of Hodir's Horn, <race>?
<Njormeld's eyes become noticeably moist as he pours the contents of the bag onto the anvil.>
The Horn of Hodir....
This was a sacred gift to our people from Hodir himself, <race>. It is a relic of great importance to us.
When you next return to our stronghold you shall see the fruits of your labor.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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