Leave Our Mark - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Leave Our Mark


  • Level: 80
  • Requires level: 77
  • Side: Both
  • Not sharable
  • Daily
  • Difficulty: 77  78  82  87
Baron Sliver at The Shadow Vault wishes you to plant 15 Ebon Blade Banners near the corpses of vrykul found within the greater Jotunheim region.
Ebon Blade Banner planted near vrykul corpse (15)
Provided Item:
Ebon Blade Banner


We must attack the vrykul of Jotunheim on many levels. Brute force, of course, is good, but I prefer a more cerebral approach.

I want you to demoralize them.

My men here have forged a number of banners for you. I would like for you to take and plant them near the corpses of fallen vrykul.

Let the banners serve as a constant reminder to them that they face a more immediate threat than the wrath of the Lich King.


Also, you get: 74


Oh now, <name>, I don't think you're quite done yet.


Well done, <name>. Let them see the desecrated corpses of their fallen comrades and think twice about striking at us!

If you come back tomorrow, I will make certain to have more banners prepared for you.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2205 experience (1 32 30 at max. level)

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