The Iron Colossus - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Iron Colossus


3.The Iron Colossus
Use a Tamed Jormungar to defeat the Iron Colossus and return to Bouldercrag the Rockshaper at Bouldercrag's Refuge.
Iron Colossus slain


Part of this quest happens in Hrothgar's LandingIcecrown.
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We have failed to prevent the completion of the iron colossus, <name>, which means we have no choice but to face it in battle.

Bruor has devised a plan to exploit the colossus' only weakness.

No matter how tough the colossus' armor is, it is still vulnerable to a jormungar's acid. Take control of one using the orbs along the northern edge of the Snowdrift Plains, then use it to fight the Iron Colossus on the Snowdrift Plains. If you need help controlling the creature, speak to one of the nearby handlers.


You can choose one of these awards:
Snowdrift Pantaloons
Leggings of Heightened Renewal
Jormungar Hide Legguards
Iron Colossus Legplates
Also, you get: 22 20


Have you defeated the iron colossus and spared the refuge from destruction?


We've done it, we've really done it! The refuge is spared and the stormforged are defeated! We must warn Brann before Loken gets it in his mind to try to rebuild his forces. The only way to secure the victory you have won today is to go into Ulduar and defeat Loken for all time!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 33100 experience (19 86 at max. level)

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