Xarantaur, at Camp Tunka'lo, wants you to read the First History Scroll, the Second History Scroll, and the Third History Scroll.
The entirety of this quest happens in The Storm Peaks.
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When I began my travels in Northrend, I visited the Borean Tundra and met the taunka for the first time. There, Wind Tamer Barah told me the tale of Stormhoof and his battle against the North Wind, their people's ancient enemy.
I set out for the Storm Peaks to learn more of this hero, but strangely, the people of Tunka'lo seem to know nothing of him.
Perhaps the camp's own records will give us greater insight. Find and read the history scrolls kept throughout the camp, then tell me what you learned.
Also, you get:
7 40
What have you learned from the records of Camp Tunka'lo?
How peculiar... that doesn't sound like the story Wind Tamer Barah told me.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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