The Bone Witch in Njorndar Village has asked you to beat information out of Apprentice Osterkilgr concerning what Dr. Terrible is truly up to.
You are then to slay the apprentice.
Deep in the bowels of The Underhalls to the northeast, a mad scientist known as Dr. Terrible is up to something befitting his name.
The doctor has been given dispensation by the Lich King to perform experiments upon the vargul -- the vrykul who fall in battle and are found unworthy, and then turned into Scourge.
We must put an end to his work, but my auguries have been unable to find him. He does, however, have an assistant.
Beat the information out of his apprentice, and then dispose of the body.
Also, you get:
7 40
You have not finished what I asked of you.
Please leave and do not return until you have done so or I will be very cross.
Very interesting. It sounds to me that you handled that perfectly. I'm surprised that the doctor was using a vargul as an assistant given what he was working on.
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