The Last Line Of Defense - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Last Line Of Defense


4.The Last Line Of Defense
Use an Argent Cannon to destroy 100 Scourge attackers. You must also kill 3 Frostbrood Destroyers.

Return to Siegemaster Fezzik should you succeed.
Scourge Attackers slain (100)
Frostbrood Destroyer slain (3)


I've triggered the base's defenses, <class>! Atop each of the Vanguard's four towers is a retractable Argent Crusade cannon, blessed by Father Gustav himself. You'll need to fly up to one of those towers and man a cannon. Use it to destroy the Scourge onslaught that the Lich King has deployed.

Just one warning, the Scourge will undoubtedly send their frost wyrms to lay siege to the towers. Shoot them out of the sky! If they destroy the walls and towers of this base, we're done for!


You can choose one of these awards:
Cannoneer's Morale
Fezzik's Pocketwatch
Cannoneer's Fuselighter


The screams of the dying will haunt me forever! Help them!


You handled the cannon like a goblin gunner, friend. You've saved the Vanguard and the Argent Crusade - all the while backing the Highlord himself up on the field of battle! Amazing!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 32400 experience (19 44 at max. level)

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