Have They No Shame? - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Have They No Shame?


Librarian Serrah wants you to enter the Nexus and recover Berinand's Research.
Berinand's Research


Archmage Berinand is the Kirin Tor's foremost authority on Malygos. He's spent his life studying the aspect and his behaviors.

Recently, he loaned me his research on the Arcanomicron, some sort of map that Malygos is trying to assemble. I made the mistake of discussing it with a group of Alliance adventurers while they were restocking their goods here - and now it's gone!

It must have been them, <class>. Please, follow them into the nexus and find the book before Berinand comes to recover it from me.


You can choose one of these awards:
Shoulders of the Northern Lights
Cured Mammoth Hide Mantle
Tundra Tracker's Shoulderguards
Tundra Pauldrons
Also, you get: 18 80


Please, <name>, tell me you've found Berinand's research....


You found it!? Yes, yes, it's all here.

Please, take this with my gratitude. And if it's not too much to ask, it would be better for me if Berinand never learned of this.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8050 experience (4 83 at max. level)

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