Chronicler Bah'Kini at Dubra'Jin wants you to enter Gundrak and collect 6 Drakkari History Tablets.
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Gundrak be doomed, mon.
History be repeatin' itself before our eyes. When trolls be turnin' on their own gods, the end be certain. It just be a matter of time.
Perhaps if we can record the events clearly, we might prevent future generations from traveling down da same path.
If you be havin' the courage, enter Gundrak and search for clues to what brought the Drakkari Empire to such an end as dis.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
27 20
You find da Drakkari history tablets, mon?
<Bah'Kini scans the engraved tablets for a moment, then turns her attention back to you.>
Dese be authentic, <race>. I'll be placin' dem in their proper place in my collection.
Perhaps we can finally be puttin' an end to dis behavior.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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