Brigg in Utgarde Pinnacle wants you to find 5 Untarnished Silver Bars, 3 Shiny Baubles, 2 Golden Goblets, and a Jade Statue.
The entirety of this quest happens in Utgarde Pinnacle.
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Just look at it! Me trunk never been so empty. Shoulda been filled ten times over by now!
Me mates jumped at the sight o' all that booty, and now look at 'em! Rattlin' bones, they be!
It be like me mammy use 'ta tell me - only thing worse than no treasure be cursed treasure.
Say, thar be plenty o' loot farther in, an' not the cursed kind I'll wager. These sots not be needin' it - it just be junk ta them.
Fetch it fer me an' I'll be rewardin' ya handsomely, matey.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
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How'd yeh fare in thar, matey?
Brilliant! Ye've gone and done it, matey.
Now I can show me face to the Cap'n without fearin' fer me life, thanks be ta you and yer mates.
Here's a little booty fer you in return.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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