The Bone Witch at Njorndar Village has asked you to exact her revenge by challenging and defeating Overthane Balargarde.
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The time has come, <name>. You and your friends must challenge the lord of Balargarde Fortress, the master of Jotunheim, Overthane Balargarde.
Atop the fortress, which is on the southwestern edge of Jotunheim, you will find a horn. Blow into it. Allow your challenge to resound throughout the steadfast.
Balargarde will have no choice but to face you. And I... excuse me, Vardmadra will be there to adjudicate the challenge.
<The banshee-possessed vrykul lets out a bellowing cackle.>
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
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Overthane Balargarde is not dead. Did you have problems finding his fortress?
Words cannot describe what I'm feeling at the moment, <name>. My revenge is complete and there is naught else for me to do.
If only I could be there when the Lich King is finally taken down.
Don't fool yourself though, Jotunheim is far from 'dealt' with. I will remain in possession of this witch until such time as the vrykul are no longer a threat.
Look around, there are many items of value in this cave. Take your pick.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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