The Faceless Ones - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Faceless Ones


Kilix the Unraveler in the Pit of Narjun wants you to kill Herald Volazj and the three Forgotten Ones that accompany him in Ahn'Kahet.
Forgotten Ones Destroyed (3)
Herald Volazj Defeated


Part of this quest happens in DragonblightAhn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.
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In my peoples' struggle against the forces of the undead, they dug deeper as they lost ground. In desperation, they dug too deep.

We inadvertently exposed a tendril of the old god's will, which was made manifest in the creatures known only as the Faceless.

In the end, we could not fight on two fronts against such powerful enemies. Our misfortune cost us the war against the undead, and ultimately, our home.

Enter Ahn'kahet, <class>, and cleanse our former home of these Faceless atrocities.


You can choose one of these awards:
Mantle of Thwarted Evil
Shoulderpads of Abhorrence
Shoulderplates of the Abolished
Epaulets of the Faceless Ones
Also, you get: 24 80


Have you overcome the faceless ones, <class>?


You have done well, <class>.

May your deeds renew hope for our people, that someday we may reclaim the city of our ancestors.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 42300 experience (25 38 at max. level)

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