Deliver the letter to Thrall, Warchief of the Horde at Orgrimmar.
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You are now, and forever will be, a Knight of the Ebon Blade, <name>, but know this: you were once a hero of the Horde.
<Darion stares at you.>
This order must establish allies for itself if it is to survive. You must represent the Knights of the Ebon Blade to the Horde.
On the platform, southeast of me, is a portal to Orgrimmar. Take this letter, given to me on your behalf by Lord Fordring, and deliver it to Thrall. Use the portal.
An interesting turn of events.
Eitrigg is alive because of this paladin. He would have been executed had Lord Fordring not broken him out of Stratholme.
Tirion Fordring, to have sacrificed everything to save the life of an orc... I have ever only known one other human to make such a sacrifice.
<Thrall blinks back a tear.>
You will be in my heart always, Taretha.
Yes. For Tirion Fordring and for Eitrigg! We will accept you as a member of the Horde and your order as allies.
Blood and honor! For the Horde!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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