Defender Mordun wants you to enter Utgarde Keep and steal 5 Vrykul Weapons
Take it from me, lad, them vrykul weapons be downright nasty!
I've felt their edge personally, and there be somethin' unnatural about 'em. Deceptively well-balanced, wickedly sharp - just plain deadly.
Get into their stronghold and if nuthin' else, pilfer some o' them weapons! Mebbe we can learn us a thing 'er two about 'em, mebbe not.
Bottom line - the fewer axes they be swingin' around, the better.
You can choose one of these awards:
You pinch a load a' them vrykul axes?
<Mordun whistles.>
Will ya just look at 'em? Incredible.
I half expected these neanderthals to be swingin' around clubs and throwin' rock.
No such luck...
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