Volatility - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database


Chief Engineer Copperclaw wants you to use Copperclaw's Volatile Oil at the Broken Front to attract 3 Frostbrood Skytalons.

To use the oil, you must collect a Pile of Bones, an Abandoned Helm, and Abandoned Armor from the battlefield there.
Field Tests Conducted (3)
Provided Item:
Copperclaw's Volatile Oil


Where to begin... well, you must know that as chief engineer of this vessel I have access to all of the intelligence reports - yes, yes, it's true, and I've recently taken a particular interest in the frostwyrms you reported seeing to the south, and I do believe I've developed a plan that just might work against them... now it'll take a little legwork on your part, but essentially, you build a dummy out of armor and coat it with a splash of this solution, then run for cover!

...You still here, <race>?


You can choose one of these awards:
Smuggler's Bracers
Glacier-walker's Mukluks
Skycaptain's Belt
Plated Bracelet of the Skies
Also, you get: 7 40


You toast them wyrms, <class>?


Wahooo! I saw them light up all the way from here! I'll just chalk that up as another success and begin bottling this stuff up for the invasion - of course it might need a little more testing as we go if you're at all interested....


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 22050 experience (13 23 at max. level)

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