Koltira Deathweaver on Orgrim's Hammer wants you to use the Abomination Reanimation Kit to create a Reanimated Abomination, which you are to use to kill 15 Icy Ghouls, 15 Vicious Geists, and 15 Risen Alliance Soldiers.
Provided Item:
You know what to do, <class>.
Take this kit and use the guts from their abominations to create one of your own, then command it to attack the enemy forces at the gate.
You would do well to refine this tactic for when we make our assault on the gate.
Also, you get:
Yes, <class>?
I see your skills with the abominations are developing nicely.
Be diligent, friend, and soon the gate will belong to the Horde.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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