Borrowed Technology - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Borrowed Technology


2.Borrowed Technology
Chief Engineer Boltwrench aboard the Skybreaker wants you to use the Smuggled Solution at the Broken Front.

Using the solution will require an Abandoned Helm, Abandoned Armor, and Pile of Bones, all found at the Broken Front.
Field Tests Conducted (3)
Provided Item:
Smuggled Solution


I get it, I get it. Cappy's too busy to see this for himself. His loss!

See, I've managed to 'acquire' a certain shipment of solution from the enemy. And as much as I hate tinkerin' with inferior goblin technology, I'm inclined to make an exception here.

Take this sample. I'll need you to run a few field tests, just to prove its usefulness, while I try to do a little reverse engineering to duplicate the creation process.

Go to the front and gather the materials to make a decoy, then use the oil.


You can choose one of these awards:
Smuggler's Bracers
Glacier-walker's Mukluks
Skycaptain's Belt
Plated Bracelet of the Skies
Also, you get: 7 40


Well, how'd it go, <race>?


Good news!

I've managed to reproduce the solution - hardly an accomplishment, of course.

Doubt I'll live to see the day those neanderthal goblins cook up somethin' a gnome can't recreate in his sleep!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 22050 experience (13 23 at max. level)

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