Slaves to Saronite - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Slaves to Saronite


Absalan the Pious aboard the Skybreaker wants you to rescue 10 Saronite Mine Slaves.
Saronite Mine Slave rescued (10)


Our people are being captured and put to work as slaves in the saronite mines of Ymirheim, the vrykul stronghold in the middle of Icecrown. The Lich King has them mining that unholy ore day and night.

I made a promise to Highlord Fordring that we would get those wretches out of there alive, and that's exactly what we will do.

Unfortunately, I've been ordered to stay on this gunship and serve as an ambassador to the Valiance Expedition. Will you please rescue them in my stead, <name>?


Also, you get: 74


I haven't received many reports of our men returning to the Argent Vanguard.

Are you sure you've been to Ymirheim to free them?


Their being driven insane? Voices in their heads?

Voices in your head?!

I want you to clear your mind of the taint that has crept into that place, boy.

We'll try to get the remainder of them out of there again tomorrow when you've had a chance to rest.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2205 experience (1 32 30 at max. level)

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