Koltira Deathweaver, aboard Orgrim's Hammer, wants you to use the Volatile Acid to dissolve the remains of 6 Skeletal Reavers.
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The Conflagration, the ground before Corp'rethar, south of the Ironwall Rampart, is where the Lich King's elite soldiers have formed up to defend the citadel.
Led by a contingent of death knights, a legion of skeletal reavers bars the way. I fear that even when these reavers fall, the Scourge will simply reconstitute them and send them back at us.
I've come up with a plan to stop this, but I have no way of knowing if it will work. Take this solution and use it to dissolve the remains of the reavers.
Also, you get:
7 40
<Koltira listens to your report.>
Good. I'll have the engineers mix up as much of that acid as they can before we prepare to assault Corp'rethar with the main force.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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