Report to Ground Commander Xutjja at the edge of the glacier north of Ymirheim.
The entirety of this quest happens in Icecrown.
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We need more men to join the main assault on Ymirheim.
Any warrior with half a brain can tell you that vrykul are fierce fighters and should not be taken lightly. That goes two-fold for the Ymirjar. They have shown us no restraint in proving why the Lich King deemed them worthy.
Ground Commander Xutjja is overseeing the assault. The city itself is located in the center of Icecrown - Xutjja's troops are positioned near the edge of the glacier, north of the city.
Also, you get:
1 90
More meat for the grinder. Welcome to hell, soldier.
My men are leading the assault on the gate from this position, and we're dropping some infiltrators in the city via air - we need more people on both fronts. I have a feeling that this attack will be going on for some time.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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