Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure


1.Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure
Find Captain Sanders' footlocker and search it for the next clue.


If ye be readin' this, it means that Ol' Captain Sanders is in a watery grave. So my treasure is yours now, ye jest need to follow the clues.

First ye need to find me footlocker. It's probably half-buried in sand by now, along the Western Coast of Westfall near the shipwreck. There be lots of shipwrecks but only one rusty anchor on the coast. Find that anchor and you'll find me locker! Look in there for the next clue.


The footlocker slowly creaks open. Sand and water seem to be its only contents. But wait! A small crab scurries out with a clue to the treasure in his claws!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 60 experience (3 60 at max. level)

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