The Celestial Planetarium - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Celestial Planetarium


Prospector Doren at the Archivum in Ulduar wants you to locate the entrance to the Celestial Planetarium.
Entrance to Celestial Planetarium located


Listen, lad! Azeroth's fate is at stake here.

Our only chance is to get to the Celestial Planetarium in time to find this Algalon and stop him from beaming back any messages to his Titan masters.

Locate the Celestial Planetarium and come back with any information you get. We might still have some time to prepare for Algalon's arrival.


Also, you get: 14 80


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 27550 experience (16 53 at max. level)

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