Crok Scourgebane at the Argent Tournament wants you to defeat Chillmaw and 3 Cultist Bombardiers.
The Argent Crusade has doubled the guard since your exposure of the Cult of the Damned's infiltrator. They know the cultists won't stop until they've destroyed this area and thwarted the tournament.
The Argent Crusade's scouts have reported sighting a frost wyrm named Chillmaw leading a cult raiding party.
You must intercept and destroy them before they attack. The scouts reporting seeing Chillmaw to the southwest, flying over the area between the Ironwall Rampart and Aldur'thar.
You can choose one of these awards:
You will receive:
<name>, you have spared the tournament from a devastating attack. The Argent Crusade and all who gather here are in our debt and we'll make certain they remember it. For all their bluster about providing protection, the peacekeepers and skytalons spend more time breaking up drunken brawls than keeping us safe from the Scourge.
It's no matter. We always protect our own.
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