Little Orphan Roo Of The Oracles - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Little Orphan Roo Of The Oracles


Closes Quests
Speak to Orphan Matron Aria, then use the Oracle Orphan Whistle to call the orphan you will be taking care of during Children's Week.
Speak to Orphan Matron Aria
Provided Item:
Oracle Orphan Whistle


The orphans have been looking forward to the opportunity to meet friends like you, <name>. It's wonderful that you've agreed to take one into your care.

Take this whistle. With it, you will be able to call for the orphan you have agreed to sponsor. It will only last for a limited time - not much longer than Children's Week itself, in fact.

Please, <name>, call upon your orphan. He will be excited to meet you and see the sights of Northrend with you.


You take us away from puppy-men hatchlings? Good. We like you already. Mean puppy-men hatchlings took all our favorite toys away.

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