The Bronze Dragonshrine - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Bronze Dragonshrine


Take your orphan, Kekek, to visit the Bronze Dragonshrine. Make sure to call for him if he is not present when you get there.
Kekek taken to Bronze Dragonshrine


When Kekek was a pup, he sometimes heard elders talking about a far-off shrine. Sometimes they say that bronze dragon-things there know all about future.

Kekek tell you he be great warrior, now we go see. Bronze dragon-thing shrine somewhere in Dragonblight, northeast of dragon-thing temple called Wyrmrest, also northwest of man-town called Wintergarde.

We go there, see future. Prove orphan-lady wrong about Kekek. Kekek warrior, not bully.


See? Kekek never get tired of saying, "Kekek tell you so."

Maybe now you believe other things Kekek tell you, like how sky is green.

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