Playmates! - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database


Take your orphan, Kekek, to visit Snowfall Glade. Make sure to call for him if he is not present when you get there.
Kekek taken to visit Snowfall Glade


Kekek think there not enough other pups living with orphan-lady. Maybe we go visit some others?

Kekek know a tribe that lives in Dragonblight, at place called Snowfall Glade. You know? Snowfall Glade north of walrus-men town of Mo'aki Harbor and south of Ruby Dragonshrine.

<Kekek scowls at the mention of the tuskarr.>

You take Kekek there, to some of the villages there. Maybe we meet new wolvar, show them how fierce Frenzyheart are!


Kekek like new Snowfall friends, maybe come back and go hunting together sometime. Maybe we go tip over walrus-men when they sleeping.

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