Back To The Orphanage - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Back To The Orphanage


Return your ward to the Dalaran orphanage by handing in the Oracle Orphan Whistle to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran.
Oracle Orphan Whistle


We had the best time with you, <name>. We wish you could be our daddy now, but you have to take us back to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran.

Maybe you could come visit us again sometime? We loved meeting Winterfin hatchlings and getting to see the dragon queen. No one will believe us when we say we met a Great One!

We going to miss you, <name>. We promise to write letter sometime, oki?


It sounds like little Roo had a great time this week. I know he was getting awfully lonely in the orphanage and was eager to make some new friends. Thank you so much for agreeing to look after him.

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