Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest


Closes Quests
Win an Isle of Conquest battleground match and return to an Alliance Brigadier General at any Alliance capital city, Wintergrasp, Dalaran, or Shattrath.
Victory in the Isle of Conquest


As we get closer to victory in Icecrown, it's become more apparent that our armies are going to have to deal with the Horde before they can deal with the Lich King.

The elite guard known as the Kor'kron has been deployed to block our advance in the Isle of Conquest. The isle is of vital strategic importance, <name>. See to it that our lads prevail!


Also, you get: 74


The Horde will never be a match for our forces as long as we have people like you on our side, <name>.

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