Speak with Gazrog at the Crossroads.
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My mate, Dogran, was recently sent to the Crossroads for duty. It was a promotion, and he was very proud.
I was sad, of course, but I didn't let him know that. And worried, too. The Barrens is a more dangerous place than Orgrimmar, and I feared the worst.
Now it's been a week after he should have returned, and I have received no word from him...
Perhaps you could go to the Crossroads and see if they have any news? He worked with Gazrog, who should still be stationed there.
Zankaja? That's Dogran's mate, right?
Yeah, I've heard from him, but it's not the sort of news we should let get back to her...
No, he's not dead. But he is injured and a prisoner of the quilboar.
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