Retrieve the Powers of the Void for Drusilla La Salle.
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You there! <name>, right?
I hope you're sure about becoming a warlock, because if you can't hold your own, you're likely to get pulled under.
I'm to teach you, but I need to make sure you're strong enough first.
There was a novice studying at the Abbey who ran off to join the Defias Brotherhood. Why do I care? Well, he stole some important books.
One of those happens to be a book I've wanted for myself, the Powers of the Void. Steal it for me, they have it hidden at their tent in the Vineyards.
You will learn:
It was too conspicuous for me to steal the book myself. What luck one of their own patsies did the dirty work for me.
Excellent... I was never able to gain access to this text, it was held in a protected wing of the library that would have looked suspicious for me to be loitering around.
Well, you did a good job in getting this, and I'm convinced that you can probably handle your own imp, so there's no reason for me not to show you how to summon one.
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