Kill Edwin VanCleef and bring his head to Gryan Stoutmantle.
The entirety of this quest happens in Westfall.
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There is but one task left for you to complete. Edwin VanCleef must be assassinated. While it saddens me to condemn any man to a death sentence, it is for the greater good of the people of Westfall that VanCleef is laid to rest once and for all. Bring me the villain's head once the deed is done.
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How goes the hunt for Edwin VanCleef?
<name>, your bravery is remarkable. The People's Militia thanks you for your service to the people of Westfall. With VanCleef dead, this marks the beginning of the end for the Defias Brotherhood. Hopefully some day soon peace will once again grace the plains of this fair land.
I salute you, Lord!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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