Slay the gnoll Hogger and bring his Huge Gnoll Claw to Marshal Dughan.
The entirety of this quest happens in Elwynn Forest.
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Wanted: Hogger
A huge gnoll, Hogger, is prowling the woods in southwestern Elwynn. He has overpowered all attempts at his capture.
The Stormwind Army has placed a generous bounty on the Gnoll. To earn the reward, bounty hunters should bring proof of Hogger's demise to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.
You can choose one of these awards:
Yes, Hogger has been a real pain for me and my men. You have something to report about the beast?
Hah! Well done! I was starting to think no one would take down that monster!
Here you are, <name>. And thanks - that Gnoll was giving me a headache the size of Blackrock Spire!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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