The Tome of Divinity - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
The Tome of Divinity


7.The Tome of Divinity
Take the Symbol of Life and resurrect Narm Faulk in Dun Morogh.
Provided Item:
Symbol of Life


Part of this quest happens in IronforgeLoch Modan.
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We was spyin' on some of the Dark Iron dwarves that've bunkered down south of Helm's Bed Lake. We knew they was up to no good, so Narm an' me thought we'd take a closer look--got ta see their leader given orders to some o' his men.

Narm an' me took the chance to kill a few of 'em, but they proved tougher than we thought, an' more of 'em got the jump on us. Narm tol' me to run an' get support, so 'ere I am.

Narm needs help, an' I'll not rest till he gets it.

C'n ya help, <name>?


I can't thank you enough, brother.

I can only assume that Tiza and Muiredon sent you here to aid me if you carry the Symbol of Life.

It's true, I fell to the Dark Iron while trying to attain one of the scripts: I was able to hold on long enough to allow Muiredon to escape, but the Light had almost embraced me fully when you came along. The fact that you were powerful enough to use the Symbol means great things for you, but there's time to speak of that later.

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