Lordaeron Throne Room - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Lordaeron Throne Room


Take your ward to the old Lordaeron Throne Room that lies just before descending into the Undercity.
Go to the old Lordaeron Throne Room that lies just before descending into the Undercity.


The orphan matrons at my home tell mighty stories of battle and lore at night if we are good and do our chores. One story was about how Lordaeron fell, and about how the evil Arthas took his own father's life to become ruler.

He had no honor, <name>! When I grow up and become a mighty Horde warrior, my blade will be guided by honor - never evil!

Would you take me to see the throne room, please? It is just before where you would go down into the Undercity.


Are we there yet?


That throne room was scary, Yohaan! Even though it was empty, it felt like a great evil had happened there. I felt mad... but I also felt sad too. I understand why the matrons tell us such stories; I will never betray my people like that!

Thank you for taking me to the throne room, <name>. I learned a lot.

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