Look To The Stars - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Look To The Stars


4.Look To The Stars
Locate Zzarc'Vul in the southern ogre mound in Duskwood and return his monocle to Viktori in Darkshire.
Ogre's Monocle


The entirety of this quest happens in Deadwind Pass.
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Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom
Tip: Click map to zoom


Now there is just one more item needed to complete this device. Cog's blueprint calls for a lens of some sort. The only lens I know of that would be large enough will be very difficult to acquire.

There is an ogre by the name of Zzarc'Vul who resides in the mound in southern Duskwood. If you can, bring to me his monocle and I will use that as our lens!


You can choose one of these awards:
Zodiac Gloves
Belt of the Stars


Were you able to convince Zzarc'Vul to lend us his monocle for our experiment?


At last! The stargazing device is complete! Thank you, <name>. Now I can continue my research. . .


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 250 experience (15 at max. level)

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