Mirror Lake - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Mirror Lake


2.Mirror Lake
Require One of
Bring a Mirror Lake sample to Jennea Cannon in Stormwind.
Mirror Lake Water Sample
Provided Item:
Jennea's Flask


The entirety of this quest happens in Stormwind City.
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This world has been victim to massive mystic struggles, which tore magic currents from once stable channels. We struggle to determine the effects these changes have caused, and some of us fear the worst!

But I will reveal more of this later. Right now, we need you to gather information.

Here, take this flask. Go to the base of the waterfall at Mirror Lake, southwest of the Stormwind gates, and retrieve a sample of the water there. Return it to me so that I might test it for magical taints.


You can choose one of these awards:
Ley Orb
Ley Staff


Do you have the sample, <name>? The flow of magic in Stormwind and Elwynn has been altered, and I must know if it is seeping into the water.


Thank you, <name>. I will test this water for magical properties. Let us hope that it contains none, or we may find that those who drink from Mirror Lake for too long will be adversely affected.

Here, <name>. Take this orb or staff as a token of your service. May it serve you well.

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