Bring Bink her Mage-tastic Gizmonitor.
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We mages do more than just waggle our fingers and make pretty sparks! We control magic, the base fabric of our world! And that takes great care, and resolve. And knowledge... so much knowledge!
One of my devices, the mage-tastic gizmonitor, collects and stores that knowledge in huge amounts! But it's lost! When we fled our home of Gnomeregan, I left it in a chest in one of our huts outside the city, and now the place is crawling with leper gnomes!
Please, <name>, retrieve my gizmonitor!
You can choose one of these awards:
Did you find the gizmonitor? I must have it before its energy supply runs out!
Oh, splendid day! When I made the gizmonitor I never realized how dependent on it I would become. Now I can begin my studies anew!
Thank you, <name>! And here--these were my first tools as a <class>. They're a little scratched but they're well tested. Take your pick--I'm sure you'll find either of them useful.
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