Destroy 4 Ju-Ju Heaps, then return to Un'thuwa in Sen'jin Village.
The entirety of this quest happens in Durotar.
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The warlock Zalazane of the Echo Isles has disrupted the normal flow of magic in Durotar. He does this through tainted fetishes, ju-ju heaps, which he has placed among his huts on the main Echo Isle.
These heaps corrupt our wildlife and give power to the warlocks and infernal creatures that lurk in the land's dark corners.
You must destroy the ju-ju heaps, <name>, before the flow of magic is forever altered.
You can choose one of these awards:
You must hurry, <name>. Destroy the ju-ju heaps!
I sense that Zalazane's ju-ju heaps were destroyed, and with time, and luck, the flow of magic in Durotar will return to normal.
A great deed you have done for your people, <name>. And you have shown your worth to us, the mages of the Horde.
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