Obtain a Cantation of Manifestation and a Chest of Containment coffers from behind Jennea Cannon. Bring 3 Filled Containment Coffers to Jennea at the Wizard's Sanctum.
The entirety of this quest happens in Stormwind City.
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A disturbance has been reported at the Blue Recluse tavern in the Mage Quarter. Strange, invisible creatures now wander the tavern, and I fear a mana rift has formed there.
I want you to investigate the tavern and capture those creatures. Use the cantation of manifestation in the tavern to make the creatures visible, subdue them then use a containment coffer to capture them. When you have enough, return to me with your filled coffers, your empty coffers and the cantation.
Have you captured the creatures, <name>? They must be studied in order to determine the reason behind their arrival.
Very well done! I will study these creatures and, with diligence and luck, determine how they slipped into our world.
Your value to the society of mages grows, <name>.
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