Eight-Legged Menaces - Quests - Wrath of the Lich King World of Warcraft Database
Eight-Legged Menaces


Kill 15 Pygmy Venom Web Spiders, and then report back to Watcher Dodds in Duskwood.
Pygmy Venom Web Spider slain (15)


The entirety of this quest happens in Duskwood.
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Hail, <class>. Perhaps you've seen those spiders that have taken over the western border? The eight-legged menaces are too much for us to handle, and the Commander hasn't enough manpower to spare so far from Darkshire.

I hate to ask this of you, but you seem like you might be able to handle them. I can't promise you anything of great value, but I can reward you if you can help root out the filthy bugs.

Oh, and a word of advice, you'll want to avoid their venom if you can.


You will receive:
Night Watch Gauntlets


You'd best be careful when dealing with the spiders, I've lost a few of my men to them, and trust me, it isn't a pleasant sight to see a man hanging upside down in their webs after the venom has started to soften them up.

I wouldn't want to see one of the bugs having you for lunch.


Ah! You're back. And not too much worse for wear, it'd seem. Of course, <name>, the Night Watch is grateful for your work, and I did promise you a reward, so here.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 130 experience (7 80 at max. level)

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