Obtain a Borrowed Tabard from Shandy Glossgleam.
The entirety of this quest happens in Crystalsong Forest.
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Getting you inside the Silver Enclave will be tougher than it appears. Only those who possess Silver Covenant tabards are permitted entry to sanctuary. If we can get our hands on one, a simple enchantment will do the rest of the work.
On the balcony above Threads of Fate, you'll find Shandy Glossgleam. I've helped him a few times in the past, so he owes me a favor. He handles laundry for a wide variety of people in the city. Maybe he can find a way to 'lend' you a tabard for a while.
Also, you get:
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I knew Shandy would find a way to make it work. Let me get this enchanted and ready for you to use. With any luck, the tabard's owner won't even know it's missing and Shandy will cover the rest of our tracks.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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