Bring the Restored Quel'Delar to Vereesa Windrunner at the Violet Citadel in Dalaran.
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In spite of Queen Lana'thel's boasting, you have restored Quel'Delar, <name>. Long have we dreamt of reclaiming Quel'Delar.
The Silver Covenant, and indeed all quel'dorei owe you a debt of gratitude.
Vereesa Windrunner, the leader of the Silver Covenant, asked to see you after you returned from the Sunwell. Take Quel'Delar with you and go to Dalaran's Violet Citadel where she waits, <name>.
You can choose one of these awards:
Also, you get:
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This is nothing short of an amazing accomplishment, <name>. The day that Thalorien and Anasterian fell, the same day that Quel'Delar was lost, was one of the darkest of my life. To see Quel'Delar restored... it is beyond words.
Without a doubt, you are meant to be the true bearer of the blade. Quel'Delar's magic is already adapting the blade to your skills and your strengths.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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