Find Lady Sylvanas Windrunner and escape the Halls of Reflection
Uther knew a great deal about how Arthas might be defeated. It's hard to believe that there is much hope of defeating Arthas upon the steps of his own throne. And who will take up the crown of Lich King if it comes to that?
Many questions remain, but the answers that you've uncovered may be critical to ensuring Arthas' defeat. You need to find Sylvanas and escape the Lich King while there's still time.
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Yet again, vengeance slips through my grasp. It's hard to believe how much stronger he's gotten.
It was foolish of you to come for me, but it's good to know that there are still some champions of the Horde that aren't useless cowards. The information Uther gave us may well be key to finally killing Arthas, though it is becoming more and more clear that the Horde will not be able to accomplish this on their own.
Go, <class>. I expect your prowess may be needed again very soon.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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